We all get bombarded by "stuff" all day long: good stuff, bad stuff, funny and scary stuff, silly and sage. And it comes at us through lots of media: TV, radio, the Web, email, snail mail, billboards, etc. etc. We humans have an incredible power to sift through it all and glean what we want, but sometimes there's such a preponderance of negatives that it gets, well, depressing.
I picked up my company mail yesterday and, amongst the good stuff (a check!) and the tiresome stuff (bills) was a piece that was destined for the trash bin on the way out the door until something caught my eye. Call it serendipity. It was a catalogue for American Hotel Register Company in a plastic sleeve with a newsletter inserted. There was an article on the newsletter which caught my attention enough to take it back to the office with me, but it was the "Letter from the Chairman," Jim Leahy, on the back page that made it worth it. (Sorry, Jim, the catalogue went into recycling.)
Jim talks about how all that "stuff" (he was more eloquent) affects each of us, and he shared eightstrategies that have helped him. I share them with you verbatim. Thank you, Mr. Leahy!
1. Accept the truth as fact and embrace it. What is, IS! Trying to wish it away doesn't work.
2. Sometimes we find we're resisting or stressing over something because we have no control, rather than just accepting it for what it is.
3. Feelings and thoughts are temporary. We rarely can remember those of a year ago. Even our fears and worries pass away and life looks less threatening.
4. It's best to live in the moment. Experience life as it is. Don't dwell on the past nor focus solely on the future.
5. Seek peace, harmony, and love in your life and relationships. Life isn't all about winning or losing.
6. Truly listen to the words and thoughts of those around you. Be present to others. Don't focus on being somewhere else.
7. Create in yourself a person of honor, wisdom, strength, and love. We are our choices. Who we are is what we choose.
8. Be always grateful for the life you've been given. Our lives are filled with beauty. Focus on it; don't dwell on ugliness.
I'd add to that what my father has always been fond of saying, that "nothing is constant but change." Life is way too short to do anything other than the right thing. And you'll feel better for it.