First 30 words here are also very important for SEO reasons.  We will write them all for you. Here are some more words and what happens when writing even more copy.

Yes, We All Do Need A “Pep Talk”!

Yesterday, Peter wrote a posting, "How About Some Optimism". In only a matter of hours we had several comments plus other emails thanking him for writing this piece.

No question, we are suffering as a nation, and as a world, through some of the most devastating economic times since the 1930's. The reality however, is that the world is not coming to an end, the sky is not falling and life does and will go on.  As an optimist and as a realist, better times are ahead…when, I don't know…but they are coming!

We've heard from a variety of hospitality folks all praising the posting. Check them out, they're great comments. At the same time, we've had several phone conversations with other Innkeepers who are truly in a funk and are being run roughshod by the Blue Meanies…(with apologies to the Beatles).  

Some are predicting the end of our industry, others are complaining about phones not ringing, others are grasping at straws as to their current business…but the one thing in common that these folks share is that they are sitting and stewing about the doom and gloom and are doing NOTHING to stimulate their business!

Those that are doing well are being thoughtful, creative, positive and aggressive.  They are keeping themselves at the top of their game and continue to play the game by their rules.  While we all have off moments, they realize that if they become another voice of darkness, they will communicate this  through their words and actions and that just won't do anyone any good.

The message?  Keep your head high! Don't forget why you became an Innkeeper! Recognize the times and creatively respond to them but do not become a victim of them. Finally, work your website, your SEO, the social media sites, and continue to offer the service and hospitality that we should provide everyday. 

Need to talk? Have some questions?….we're here for you.


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