Day 2-InnSpire Summit & Marketplace.
The conference this year is a collaboration with the Association of Independent Hospitality Professionals, AIHP, The California Association of Boutique & Breakfast Inns, CABBI and Select Registry. This took organization and hours and hours of work. As in any non-profit organization much of the work is done by volunteers. To list all of them would be tough, especially if I leave someone out! So here is a BIG shout out to them all, in all three of the organizations.
The morning sessions included branding, cleaning, OTA’s, revenue management and yield management and ADA. I took some time and wandered through thhe crowd and did a mini survey, talking to innkeepers to see which sessions talked to them.
‘Financial Benchmarking-Getting More Profit from Your Inn’. Presented by Terry Hammer, Hermann Hill Vineyard Inn & Spa. Terry always gets high praise and respect from innkeepers that attend his sessions. “Terry is amazing…his attitude and respect towards his staff and guests is primary. I would not only stay at his Inn but would also work for him anytime.” Profitability for Terry is never at the expense of his staff. “The intent and actions of an individual (cause), influence the future of that individual (effect)”.Good karma works every time.!
‘An In-depth and Personal Look at ADA and How It Affects your Property’ An innkeeper from New Orleans commented that she had to become ADA compliant when she did renovations on her property after the hurricane damage. She said if she had been more informed about the process she could have saved a lot of time and angst! Education can take away the fear of the unknown. Especially when it comes to the bureaucracy of compliance.
Lunch in the Marketplace. Time to refuel and visit the booths.
Afternoon Sessions:
‘Did Someone Say Insurance?’ A subject that is often avoided, perceived as boring and scary. But so necessary to our business and something that should never be avoided. The conversations included real case studies and their ultimate happy endings. Learn and the scare goes away.
Now there are some fun food sessions. A feast for the eyes and the soul. ‘Tablescapes and Pretty Plates’. We all need some new ideas in this category.
16 sessions in all for this day.
6:30 to 11:00 Inspire Summit Gala and Live Auction Time to dress up and have fun!
Thanks for Listening,
Janet Wolf