Spring break 2014 is almost here. Kids may be planning trips to warmer climes but what about your stressed and time deprived adult guests? They need their own spring break 2014 and what better place than at your Inn.
Most of us (The B&B Team included!) have had a really long and more trying then usual winter. Before that first crocus pops through the snow let your loyal return and potential new guests know what you have in store for them. Don’t wait too long. Most folks I know are craving warmer weather and will want to plan something NOW to look forward to.
Here is what the Hermann Hill Inn in Hermann Missouri has proposed.
“The spring season is upon us, and our guests tell us it’s a perfect time to reconnect with each other and all that Hermann Hill has to offer. We always strive to provide our guests the amenities to create lasting memories. We love to hear from our guests about their experiences while staying at Hermann Hill and want to help create these memories for all guests! In 2014 we are asking guests to tell us the things they did while staying at Hermann Hill and the memorable times they shared together! We plan to share these moments with all of our guests in hopes of creating new memories that can be enjoyed together for years to come. Each month in 2014 we will choose two winners to win a $100 gift certificate.”

This offering by the Hermann Hill Inn is a year long, ongoing special But… I just saw it on their most recent blog posting. They make it current by posting the most recent winners comments. These comments are current, real, first hand experiences. Reading them makes the experience come to life and encourages readers to book and make their own memories. Brilliant!

Most Inns have romance packages that may include spa treatments, gift certificates for dinner, breakfast in bed and chocolates, flowers. The list goes on. Whether they are packaged together or add-ons, these offerings are great. They are expected at a B&B. But did you notice that Hermann Hill wasn’t offering anything more than what they give their guests 24/7, 365 days. Which is pretty fabulous by the way! What they are offering is the opportunity to win a $100 gift certificate that will give the guests an incentive to return and the Inn a return visit. Again, brilliant.

This kind of incentive package can be enjoyed any time of year. Stay in, reconnect and rejuvenate, get out for a bit then back to the cocoon. So anytime of year may be the perfect time but… spring is upon us. So get your word out now. You have great rooms, great breakfasts, luxury amenities, interesting things to do in your area. So many reasons to stay and take that B&B Spring Break 2014.
Thanks for Listening,
Janet Wolf