B&Bs across the country have been invited to participate in the B&Bs for Vets 2016 program. This year we are hoping that the B&Bs who participate will soar. The more that sign-up the more successful the program will be and…more veterans can participate in the program.
That’s what it’s all about so…We Want You!
Another reason for a large number of participants is PR. The basic definition of public relations is to ‘communicate with the public through media with the aim to create and maintain a positive image and create strong relationships with a wide audience.’
Marti Mayne of ‘Maynely Marketing’ is on the B&Bs for Vets committee (and has been for years). She is eager to get the word out to the media but we need numbers! The media is more apt to pick up a story that communicates to the public that bed and breakfasts across the country have united together as a group to honor our veterans.

As I am writing this blog just over 50 B&Bs have signed up. It is early and more will sign up. Hope you are one of them.
B&Bs for Vets 2016 is coordinated and organized by the Association of Independent Hospitality Professionals (AIHP). There is ‘strength in numbers’, in an association and in a program like B&Bs for Vets. It is the only way to reach goals and be successful.
You are independent innkeepers! Each of your Inns and you as innkeepers are unique and different. That is part of your strength. But just think of the impact we can have on the public as united independent innkeepers. Sign up, even if you have already filled your designated room nights. It is the only way we can show our strength and commitment to the program.

The B&Bs for Vets program was created seven years ago in West Virginia to honor our veterans on Veterans Day. By giving what innkeepers do best, providing outstanding hospitality (and breakfasts of course) to our veterans for one free night. Our way of saying ‘thank you’. Multiply that one free night by 900 or 9,000. Now that is what I call ‘strength in numbers’! And PR worthy.
For those Harry Potter fans, I will end with this quote.
“We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.”
― J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Thanks for Listening,
Janet Wolf