All of us at The B&B Team often talk about the importance of good architectural photography for your website in our Better Way to Learn Innkeeping Seminars. We mention that we like to see good photos of breakfasts on websites. We say, ‘It is half of who you are, bed and breakfast. Show us what you’ve got!’
Good shots of beds are equally important. If they are good photos from professional hospitality photographers, those shots will evoke a feeling of comfort and luxury. The person viewing should want to jump into that bed, become enveloped in absolute luxury that results in what?…a great night’s sleep.
What photos don’t show is the quality and age of the mattress. If your mattresses are more than 5 years old, it may be time to replace them. The focus on comfort for your guests starts here, read on.
Hotel Business magazine recently published an article titled; ‘The heart of the guestroom: bedding for today’s traveler.’
“The hotel bed marks not only the heart of every guestroom, but the foundation for the guest experience.”
Inns that pay attention to their mattresses will receive positive feedback from their guests. No one brand achieves that quality above another, but it must be a quality product from your brand of choice.
And it is not just the mattress but a choice of pillows (we like to see 4 pillows on each bed, 2 soft and 2 medium). Surrounding the mattress…cool comfortable linens and mattress toppers. When guests tell you they received one of the best nights sleep they’ve had in years, there is a reason.
“We are a sleep deprived country. Studies prove it. Experts continue to stress the importance of getting the required amount of sleep in order to avoid serious health issues down the road.”
When people travel for a getaway, an uninterrupted, quiet and heavenly sleep is one thing they look forward to. Are you providing that experience?
More comfort trends from the article that are worth mentioning.
“Bedding trends today are heading toward a more organic, crisp look-still white, but inviting with textures and depth; small quilted blankets between two top sheets, embroidered accent pillows, matelassé box spring covers fitted snugly and clean. The box spring cover will replace every dust ruffle in the industry…they make the bed so new.”

You may ask, where do innkeepers find these products plus advice on purchasing quality linens and mattresses?
Answer…from some of the most experienced and trusted companies that service our industry. And where do you find them? At our industry conferences. Attend and you can touch, feel and price the products from experts. In addition, talk to innkeepers about the quality, durability and overall success of the products they use.
The B&B Team is known for our insistent recommendation of continuing education for Innkeepers. From our many years of experience, we know that the most successful innkeepers are innkeepers that attend conferences. Success and education always go hand in hand regardless of what profession you are in.
Here are links to the upcoming AIHP Knowledge Sharing Summit and Marketplace in Cincinnati, March 25-28. Another choice is the PAII Innkeeping Conference in Las Vegas, January 14-17.
“Creating exceptional guest sleep experiences is what we’ve been focused on for decades. Innovators never sleep.”
Neither should innkeepers. Except in their own quality bed, don’t neglect your own bed! What we mean is, don’t rest on your past successes, keep innovating by learning. Find out what’s new and trending in our industry. Network with your peers and industry experts, it is invigorating, just like a good night’s sleep.
Thanks for Listening,
Janet Wolf