Are you looking for Inns for Sale in Maine in your search as a future innkeeper? If so The B&B Team can help in so many ways. Let me count the ways! Let’s start with 5.
1. We have 23 listings, from southern coast to mid-coast, from ‘Down East’ to the lakes and mountains of western Maine.
2. Two experienced Maine brokers, Rick Wolf and Dana Moos who travel the state regularly and know ‘Vacationland’ and our client Inns up close and personal.
3. The B&B Team provides our buyer clients with credible valuations and analyses….from lifestyle to financially viable…
4. Our guidance will help you invest wisely and avoid costly mistakes.
5. Living and working in Maine is ‘The Way Life Should Be’!
Let me give you a bit of background on that phrase, ‘The Way Life Should Be’.
An ad man from New Jersey was visiting a friend in Lubec Maine back in 1984. Now Lubec is way ‘Down East’, a beautiful coastal town, remote and quintessential. This sets you up for the scene…

Out on a deck overlooking Passamaquoddy Bay the two friends see a lobster boat in the near distance. His friend waves and the lobsterboat draws up close. He offers them a few lobsters and continues on his way. Boiled fresh lobster (can’t get any fresher than that), a cold beer or two plus “making a mess with lobster juice and melted butter, tossing the shells over the railing down to the pebbly beach below where they were quickly snatched up by an alert gull.”
He sat back with thoughts of his 90 minute city commute and guess what thought came to his head? “Now this is the way life should be!” The scene fast forwards to our New Jersey ad man moving to Portland Maine and the phrase is picked up and takes on a life of its own. I-95 road signs and LL Bean T-shirts, pretty powerful PR.
The man’s name is Michael Townsend and is currently VP of Creative Services for Perry & Banks Integrated Sales and Marketing. In Maine of course. He believes one of the reasons the state adopted the phrase; “…anyone can ascribe their own meaning to it.”
I so agree. Our current Maine innkeeper clients and friends have adopted Maine as home with the realization that life is a lot slower, the air more breathable and the nights more sleepable (I know that is not a word!) And most of all, people love visiting Maine. “33 million people visited Maine in 2015 and paid accommodations were up 8% over 2014.” Carolann Ouellette, Director of Maine Office of Tourism.
Take a look at our Maine Inns for sale and consider a trip to start your search for inns for sale in Maine. Ascribe your own meaning to ‘The Way Life Should Be.’ The B&B Team can help guide your way.
In conclusion. Picture this…after your fresh lobster you indulge in a slice of our famous Maine wild blueberry pie. Crisp crust filled with those tiny bursting buds, deep purple-blue juice mingling with slowly melting vanilla ice cream. The Way Dessert Should Be.
Thanks for Listening,
Janet Wolf