What a conference this was! Despite terrible weather that prevented some from getting to Charleston, the turnout was excellent. The B&B Team®, like all the vendors, found it to be a very successful show.
A highlight for Rick and myself was at a session we presented called, “Thrive, Make More Money in 2011.” In a room set up for 50, we had to bring in extra chairs and had folks sitting on the floor and behind the podium for over 75 with many listening from the halls. Do you think they wanted to get some money-making tips?
We discussed ideas to raise room rates and occupancy by updating the rooms themselves, providing today’s guests with the services and amenities they want, and communicating with them using the tools and vehicles that they prefer. We can almost hear the credit card machines in a few inns going “Ka-ching!” Thanks to all who attended.
One of the vendors we know, having heard about the throngs in the hallway, pulled us aside the next day and said, “You know, it’s really not appropriate to show porno films at a PAII conference!” We couldn’t agree more!
A Better Way To Stay got a HUGE boost here, as PAII‘s CEO Jay Karen offered to have his beard shaved if they could raise $35,000 by the end of the conference. Well, in an effort headed by Twyla Sickmiller and supported by many volunteers and the innkeepers, vendors, and associations who contributed, PAII raised nearly $100,000! The campaign is aimed at raising awareness among the general population about bed and breakfasts as a “better way to stay” when traveling. Needless to say, Jay got a “beard-cut” in front of 500 diners today. The B&B Team® as a group, including Scott and Marilyn Bushnell of The B&B Team® Bushnell & Bushnell, Inc., have committed to donating $3,000 a year toward the campaign. We are pleased to be a small part of a big effort.
There were many other events worth discussing, but enough for now. How did YOU like the conference? Weren’t here? You missed a great event. Join PAII for a mere $89.00, and next year come to the greatest Innkeeping Show on Earth!