Was thinking hard about what to write as my last blog of the year. Decided to find something amusing and maybe bring a smile to your face to ring in the New Year 2020.
Here are some funny, some odd and some downright puzzling New Years superstitions I found in my research.
To start, here are a few superstitions we all know but may not know why we do them!
Kissing at Midnight. How did this come about? One thought is that…”if you kiss someone you love as the clock strikes midnight, those sentiments will continue for the next 12 months.”
Noisemakers. “The tradition originated from a superstition that making loud noise at midnight would scare evil spirits and omens away?”
Where does the saying ‘ringing in the New year come from? Most likely comes from the ringing of bells, a tradition for celebratory occasions.
Now for the odd.
Don’t clean your house. “If you’re concerned about “sweeping” or “washing” away any luck coming your way, don’t do any cleaning—including dishes and laundry.”
Don’t cry. “Save your tears for another day, because crying on New Year’s Day could set a year of sadness in motion.”

Now for food and drink superstitions.
Hoppin’ John. A southern tradition…”will supposedly bring good luck and prosperity, respectively, in the months ahead.”

There are multiple recipes, but I chose the one from Southern Living.
Why champagne? Could be the popping noise opening the bottle, but most likely came from the French champagne producers. Champagne had been an exclusive wine for the upper classes. Sometime in the 1800’s the French producers started to offer it at a more reasonable price to the ‘common folk’.
Read more. 15 Best New Years Superstitions That Could Bring You Good Luck in 2020
In whatever way you celebrate the coming of the New Year, with a kiss, some
…or a quiet evening with a champagne toast. May 2020 bring you all good things. But just in case you are unsure or a bit superstitious, don’t cry or clean your house!
Thanks for Listening,
Janet Wolf and all of us at The B&B Team