A sad week and a tragic loss. Scott Bushnell left this world Friday evening March 9, 2018.
All of us at The B&B Team® express their condolences to Marilyn and the entire Bushnell family. Please take a moment and remember him and perhaps read and take heart in the remembrances of Scott from his ‘business family’.
Thoughts from Peter: Sensitive. Funny. Smart. Kind. Thoughtful. Nice. Calm. There aren’t enough “good” words to describe Scott Bushnell. Marilyn said that he always joked about wanting to die with a martini in his hand, which made me remember the time that the whole Team (all 8 plus Peggy and me) were at our house for our annual meeting. Of course, that’s when our septic system decided to back up! It was late in the day, and I was out digging with the septic guys. Scott looked at me from a back window, smiled a cat-like grin, and held up his martini in a toast, just to remind me what I was missing! I will miss everything about him. Marilyn, you and your family are in our hearts. We’re here for you. We are a Team.
Thoughts from Peggy: We have been so fortunate to have Scott and Marilyn as valued colleagues and as treasured friends. The love and support they had for each other extended to others through their warmth and generosity. Marilyn has suffered a great loss as have we all. I will remember most the personal side of Scott — his big heart and matching dimpled smile, his quiet strength, and his patience with and respect for others. I will miss this gentle gentleman.
Thoughts from Rick: Scott, I miss you. Scott, you left Marilyn, your family and your business family too soon and we all miss you. Scott, you left our industry too soon and the world of hospitality misses you. We grieve for our loss and share our grief with Marilyn and your family and their loss too.
There are so many things I will miss but there are so many things I remember and am grateful for as a result of our friendship and association!
-Playing golf together in Myrtle Beach after an innkeeping conference………….oh and do you remember we were in shorts and had to wait to tee off until the frost was off the greens? Remember who won the round on the 18th hole?
-Drinking martini’s together, gin for you and vodka for me, but both enjoying the first sips of those ‘mouthful of a cloud’ adult beverages.
-Loving Ruth’s Chris Steakhouses, though we never ate there together, but both loving those sizzling steaks.
-Gentleman’s bets on any given Red Sox / Oriole series.
-Speaking together at an Aspiring Innkeeper session at an innkeeping conference and you talking about your ‘day in the life’ and me, mine, and then looking at each other with confused faces as our days were so different! Your inn was predominantly business and ours leisure.
-Agreeing and when disagreeing, always at the end respecting the other person and always acknowledging it wasn’t personal.
-Listening with fascination about your tales of being a cadet at the USMA. …..thank you for your service.
But most of all Scott, I will miss your sense of humor, your smile, your integrity and the warmth I felt as we either said “hello” or “good bye” with a big hug. God speed my friend on your new journey and remember and smile for us as we will move forward and remember and smile for you.
Thoughts from Janet: Memories should be warm, bring smiles and perhaps some tears, warm tears.
I love our team’s meetings in Scottsville Virginia each August. Before our two-day team meetings, we all gather at Peter’s and Peggy’s house for ‘refreshments’ and dinner. They have a wonderful open front porch where all 10 of us gather and relax. We all arrive at different times. From the porch we can see our team’s cars pull in the Scherman’s drive.
“Here comes Linda, wonder what homemade goodies she will bring to the table this year?” “Good, there’s Marilyn and Scott. Rick, get the martini shaker going!” “Is that Dana?… nope, come on Dana.” Tish and Eliot pull in, always a rehearsed joke or two from Eliot and more homemade goodies from Tish. Smiles and hugs shared all around. Dana arrives! OK, let the party begin.
This year, one less smiling face, one less hug. We will all miss you so very much Scott. I will miss your quiet demeanor, your slow smile and twinkle in your eye before you share your thoughts or tell a good story. Always wise, thoughtful and genuine. Many glasses will be raised to your memory and warm tears shed.
Thoughts from Dana: Although we might only see each other a time or two each year, our B&B Team feels more like a work family than just work colleagues. We work hard and we have fun. We enjoy time together. We communicate throughout the year.
When I think about Scott, I think polite, gentleman, soft spoken, smart, dedicated, kind, and an infectious smile with dimples as big as his soul. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Marilyn without a smile to match. Just a very, very sweet couple and a pleasure to be around. I’m so very thankful we just spent several days together at the AIHP conference in Norfolk just over a week ago.
My heart goes out to Marilyn and their families ♥️ Scott will be sorely missed.
Thoughts from Eliot:
He whom we love
and lose
is no longer
where he was before
He is now
wherever we are.
St. John Chrysostom
Scott will be with me when I pour over spreadsheets, his perceptive and astute approach will continue to teach me. He will be with me when faced with health challenges, his courage will strengthen and support me. When presented with a demanding negotiation, his discretion, and thoughtfulness will guide me. Most importantly, his generous, honest, gracious and congenial spirit will provide laughter, joy, and meaning to my days. Including teaching me that “bacon is an herb”.

Thoughts from Tish: Scott once told me a story from his career as an industrial engineer.
A corrupt boss had a scheme to get production-line workers eliminated so he could make money subcontracting their work. Scott knew and cared for the people (mostly women) who worked on the production line. As he described what happened, decades after the event, he became emotional. He was angry at the deceit and injustice and his eyes welled up with tears. To me, that moment revealed the depth of Scott’s ethics and the tenderness of his big heart.
Thoughts from Linda: We met when Lynn and I were “wanna be innkeepers”, then met again at a Select Registry meeting as you were exiting innkeeping, then again at conferences where we taught aspiring innkeepers our lessons learned, then became fellow team members sharing opportunities, and finally we became travel buddies – exploring new cities and watching the twilight of Budapest come alive on the Danube.
You’ve intrigued me with your intense listening and then your gentle, yet persuasive perspective on whatever the topic of the moment. Your love for Marilyn has always been evident with your adoring looks that were certainly noticed. May we meet again…
With love in our hearts and tears in our eyes,
Thank you all for the kind remarks we received after publishing this in our newsletter. From folks who knew Scott, worked with him and from people who didn’t know him and wish they had. It was wonderful to hear from you all.
Peter and Peggy, Rick and Janet, Dana, Eliot and Tish, and Linda
The B&B Team®