What is an Algorithm? Nothing to do with Al Gore and whether he has rhythm or not. But all to do with the internet (didn’t Al invent that?)
Definition from Whatis.com:
“An algorithm (pronounced AL-go-rith-um) is a procedure or formula for solving a problem, based on conducting a sequence of specified actions. A computer program can be viewed as an elaborate algorithm.”
Mathematicians and computer geeks know what it means but to your average non-geek, it is a mystery. I am in that category. That is why it is great that our industry has people out there that know and can help us understand.
More definitions:
“Algorithms are widely used throughout all areas of IT (information technology). A search engine algorithm, for example, takes search strings of keywords and operators as input, searches its associated database for relevant web pages, and returns results.”
Now this is making more sense. I use keywords in my blogs to help make my postings relevant and searchable. Your web designer has embedded keywords on your web pages for the same reason.

But it gets more complicated.
Q4Launch just published a blog: Changes are coming: How to Survive the Latest Facebook Update. A great read. Very relevant because it will affect our business Facebook page.
“The idea behind the update is to increase meaningful interactions between people, not pages. As a user, this Facebook update means there will be less public content from publishers and businesses.”
The article gives you some good step by step advise on how to work with the change. Facebook is making these changes with brand new, you guessed it, algorithms. After reading this article I did get a better sense of the changes that are coming. Thanks to companies like Q4Lauch and many more that are here to help us non-geeks.
There are always changes on the horizon with Google. Lisa Kolb, Acorn Internet Services, Inc. will be offering a session at the upcoming AIHP Knowledge Sharing Summit and Marketplace. Entitled; Ten Steps to Making Google Happy and Improving Your Business.
Another session; A Beginners Guide to the New Inn Owners Online Presence. InsideOut Solutions, Inc, White Stone Marketing and Acorn will put their heads together and give you more information on how to make Google happy.
If you want to get closer to the meaning of algorithm? Get your rhythm on, attend the Summit in Norfolk VA. Just around the corner, February 26 to March 1.
To end on a funny note. A comment left on the Whatis.com article
“I don’t get it and its due on Friday and its Thursday and its my homework for grade 6!”
I’m with you kid, but I keep on trying.
Thanks for Listening,
Janet Wolf