Last week Peter and Rick were visiting clients in Iowa and had some free time. Can you guess where they headed? Field of Dreams Movie Site in Dyersville, Iowa. This attraction is NOT a replica, it is the actual century old farm house and surrounding corn fields and ball field where the movie was filmed. Rick said the site is not commercialized. It is simple, serene and very green.
Why has Field of Dreams become a world wide iconic film? Why do 65,000 tourists drive down the long road to the movie site to visit every year? I believe it is the message the film gives us. We should listen to our ‘voice’ and pursue our dreams.

I started to think about this message and how it relates to the dream of starting a bed and breakfast.
In our ‘Better Way to Learn Innkeeing’ seminars we often use the most quoted line from the film to make a point. The first voice that Ray Kinsella hears in the corn field; “Build it and they (he) will come”. We tell our aspirers that it is a great line from a great movie but…reality check! You can build or purchase an established inn, but it doesn’t stop there! Guests will not just show up at your doorstep. After Ray built his baseball field the voice told him; “go the distance”.
This is what The B&B Team ‘voice’ says:
Never stop working on the following.
- Operations
- Marketing
- Infrastructure
Go the distance and you will continually learn new and exciting ( yes, challenging too) ways to improve your business and reach your goal. Which is increased revenue and eventually, selling your inn. The outcome will be rewarding.

From the brochure that Rick brought home, another line caught my attention.
When visiting Field of Dreams you have the opportunity to “get together with other people who have gone the distance and become acquainted.” Here is an analogy for you…attend the 2017 AIHP InnSpire Conference, Knowledge Sharing Summit on the Queen Mary in Long Beach, CA. Connect and learn from innkeepers and Allied Partners who are on the same path as you. Those who have gone the distance. Sound like a good plan?
“Some have called me a little piece of heaven on earth. I am a Field where reality mixes with fantasy, and dreams come true“. Ahh, wouldn’t you like to think that your guests say the same thing about your Inn?
Thanks for Listening,
Janet Wolf