When DID food become so photogenic? This question is in response to the most recent Bon Appetit issue with a great editorial by Adam Rapaport, Editor in Chief. It is their first ‘culture issue’. Cool.
Wait, When Did Food Get So Cool? March 2016
His thoughts on the subject:
- Food has become a thing
- Not just for certified foodies anymore…everybody was (is) getting into it
- Food has gone wide, it has become cool!
My thoughts:
- Not just cool but oh so photo worthy…why?
- The phone camera and the ease to share (brag) on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
- It’s fun!
This issue is a real great source of articles that expand on the “finer points of Instagramming (natural light only, directly overhead preferred!) Because if you don’t snap and share a photo of your meal, it never happened, right?” I have done this and I know you have too! In fact we did this at a recent Pop Up Dinner at the Inn at English Meadows.

For a special one night stand food experience, a pop up is perfect! What a great way to spot light one of your favorite local chefs or sous chefs. Local chef in Kennebunk, Chris Groman created this wonderful menu. A pop up is also a way to connect with your community. Invite the influencers, local press and businesses.

Yes trends come and go. Pop Ups may be replaced by something else, food trucks may thin out but our passion and obsession with food is here to stay and it is sure to grow. Just like trends in décor, trends in food change too, and rapidly because of the ability to share on social media with likeminded folks.
Mr. Rapaport ends his editorial with a great statement. “The fact is, food culture isn’t niche anymore. Nowadays, everyone is invited to the table, and we love that. It makes for a far more interesting dinner table conversation.”
So here we go ..lights, camera, action… can we eat now?
Thanks for Listening,
Janet Wolf