Contact The B&B team
We are here for your innkeeping needs. Please get in touch by using the form below or giving us a call or text at 802-257-2360
How To Get In Touch
Eben Viens
- The B&B Team®, Inn Partners LLC
PO BOX 1799
Brattleboro, VT 05302 - 802-380-7312
David Hiler
- The B&B Team®, Inn Partners LLC
PO BOX 1799
Brattleboro, VT 05302 - 802-380-1489
Julie Pankey
- The B&B Team®, JMPankey Partners, LLC
PO Box 66
Berwick, ME 03906 - 207-604-0712
Kim Williams
- The B&B Team®, Kim Williams Coldwell Banker
183 W. Van Buren
Eureka Springs, AR 72632 - 479-253-4444
Ready to have us help you with the Purchase or Sale of a property?
We are here to help you in every way with your real estate and educational needs. Please fill out the form below and we will get in touch with you shortly.