• Bed and Breakfast
 For Sale In Maine
Sometimes we represent the seller; sometimes the buy; sometimes both. The B&B Team, Inc. represented the buyers, which will result in new life for a water view B&B!

Island View Inn Maine

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Island View Inn Maine. Originally built in 1888 as a “summer cottage”, this grand property has primarily served as a private residence for most it’s first century. It was then purchased in the mid 1980s and converted, more recently, to a part-time lodging business known formerly as the Island View Inn. The inn is now under new ownership and will be open for the 2016 season as The Acadia Bay Inn, offering 7 guest rooms, a gorgeous view and gorgeous private beach area. Sullivan is located about mid-way between Bar Harbor and Schoodic Point, the lesser known part of Acadia National Park.

The B&B Team represented the buyers.

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