‘When You Wish Upon a Star’ Song by Leigh Harline & Ned Washington. Sung by Cliff Edwards for Disney’s 1940 adaptation of Pinocchio
When you wish upon a star…your dreams come true. Thank you Mr. Disney for that wonderful sentiment and beautiful song. We should never stop wishing and dreaming but…wishes and dreams have no substance unless they move beyond the dreaming stage. How to go about making your dreams come true in 2015?
The B&B Team believes that dreams can turn into reality if you pursue those dreams with a lot of thought and planning. That includes education. Will 2015 be your year of action? As in all things, your dreams will need capital to make them happen. 2015 has a good feel to it. Economically speaking here are some forecasts that may give you some confidence to venture forth beyond the dreaming stage. The following information comes from ‘Looking to 2015, Economists See 5 Reason to Celebrate’, by Marilyn Geewax.
- GDP will keep growing quickly. The commerce Department’s latest revision shows GDP advancing at an astonishing 5 percent over July, August and September. Lower energy prices will give consumers more money to spend, and should help boost revenues for stores, restaurants, hotels and more.
- Inflation will be exceptionally low. The Federal Reserve has sharply cut its forecast, saying that inflation will run between 1 percent and 1.6 percent in 2015.
- Interest rates will inch up. OK, you’ve heard this before. Nevertheless, economists think this time is different and that rates really will rise in 2015. It will lead to a slow, steady ratcheting up of interest rates to more normal levels. (Key words here are ‘inch’, ‘slow’ and ‘steady’.)
- Stocks will go higher. The stock market has been zooming for years now. Some skeptics think the stock market is due for a “correction”. But the more typical prediction is that oil prices running so low, investors will want to keep putting money into companies that stand to benefit from increased consumer spending.
So the ‘feel good’ for the New Year has some good stats to back it up.
Suggestion. Take a few minutes or an hour and sit down with a pad of paper and write down your dreams for 2015. Are they ready to take a leap off the paper and be put into action? If so, what is your next step?
- If you have been dreaming of becoming any innkeeper then The B&B Team offers over 23 ‘Better Way to Learn Innkeeping’ seminars. The best first step any aspiring innkeeper can take.
- If you have been dreaming of an innkeeping ‘afterlife’ then we can also help you plan your exit strategy. Just give us a call.
- For innkeepers that have been dreaming of adding to their business to help it grow, we can help with a feasibility study.
We at The B&B Team are not economic strategists with global insights. We leave that up to the experts. (Bloomberg Radio on satellite radio is a great way to keep abreast of what is happening). But we do know the innkeeping business and we really like to share our knowledge. Dreams can turn into reality but again as mentioned before with a big dose of education to start the process. Once you aquire that you can make good and sound decisions about your future. 2015 is here, the wishing stars are bright, let’s see them soar.
Thanks for Listening,
Janet Wolf