One of my favorite monthly newsletters I receive is from Adam Grant. American psychologist and author who is currently a professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania specializing in organizational psychology.
Granted May 2018 “To understand success, pay less attention to the final product and more to the mundane process. It’s way more fun to read Harry Potter than it would be to watch J.K. Rowling write. And I can only imagine how dull it would be to sit in a library and watch Lin-Manuel Miranda reading books about Hamilton.
But the seeds of greatness are planted in the daily grind.”
Innkeeper’s daily grind ? You can relate to this. Take breakfast as an example. Most guests would rather be presented with a well prepped, well prepared, beautifully presented plate than get up with you at the crack of dawn or late evening and watch a blurry eyed innkeeper with whisk in hand.
Stripping wallpaper or watching paint dry, another good one.
Sometimes the final product does not have anything to do with your décor or your breakfast table. It is another process that at times is mundane and a grind but oh so very important to your success.
A good, well researched, well designed, well optimized website takes hospitality industry experts multiple ‘daily grind’ hours to complete the ‘guts’ of the site. A good site looks and more importantly works the way it should. So worth it for your inn’s success.
“The more professional your website is, the more advantages you can gain.” Acorn Internet Services, Inc.
New innkeepers often focus first on much needed repairs, room upgrades, new amenities and new and innovative breakfasts. These are satisfying accomplishments, especially when guests see the final product and give you kudos (maybe not the new boiler in the basement, unless you like to take your guests down and show off your basement improvemets?)
But … you make all those improvements to your brick and mortar yet your website is five or more years old and tired…STOP… don’t ignore or put off this improvement. And pleeeease don’t skimp and take the easy (cheap) non industry professional bargain basement route with your website, it will get you nowhere. Take the time and expense to market your new baby. Your website and social media tools are available to educate and engage your potential guests. And guess what? Your online presence is available to your guests 24/7/365, unlike you who needs sleep!
To help you take the correct route, The B&B Team’s Industry Referrals page has a list of our industry’s internet marketing professionals.

Photography by Jumping Rocks
Your innkeeper’s daily grind can plant seeds of greatness. It is so satisfying to see them grow. Especially when you take the time and expense of engaging marketing professionals to help you market your greatness, 24/7/365.
Thanks for Listening… and get some sleep while your website works for you,
Janet Wolf