Have you been rethinking your guest experience during these troubled times?
It is and always has been the mantra,’ put your guests’ needs and wants first’. Now more than ever.
There is a new wave of customer. Someone who is more cautious, more discerning in their choices, especially when travelling. But they are willing to take a leap of faith if they feel safe and well taken care of by the innkeepers. Think concierge service on steroids!
In the marketing world, CX means customer experience. I am going to use my spin on this, GX, guest experience.
Here is a good example of innkeepers who are striving to think outside the box when creating unique GX.
The Devonfield Inn, Lee, Massachusetts in the Heart of the Berkshires
Innkeepers Doug and Jim have been hard at work in the last few months during this pandemic crisis. They gave a great deal of thought on what they could do to create unique GX. What would help bring them customers, but more than that. What would their customers need now more than ever?
The opportunity to get out in nature and experience the beautiful Berkshires of Massachusetts. Doug had been wanting to create walking and hiking trails on their property since they purchased the Inn. Now was the time. As Jim said; “It was a labor of love.”
PLEASE take the time to view this video, New Hiking Trails. You will be inspired, trust me.
In addition, Doug and Jim have created their own Summer Concert Series. Another brilliant GX. With Tanglewood’s summer live music concerts cancelled, Doug and Jim wanted to bring music back to the Berkshires. The Devonfield Inn sits on 32 acres that includes large expansive lawns, perfect for a social distance group to sit and enjoy an outdoor concert. Free to all, guests and a very grateful community.

Again, please take the time to view the short video. Summer Concert Series video
You can also view the videos on their Facebook page.
Thank you Doug and Jim for letting me share your GX. It is wonderful to see this kind of innovation that puts customer’s wants and needs first. But I am sure these innkeepers would be the first to admit, they enjoy their creations as much as their guests. Just look at the smiles on their faces in the videos.
Going to end with a quote from a blog, ‘5 things to Consider When Rethinking Your Customer Experience’, Marketing Insider Group.
“Leading a business during a global pandemic may make you feel like you’re constantly in crisis mode. But don’t forget to look at the silver lining in terms of the chance to rev up your customer base. Brand loyalty’s up for grabs. You could end up with a larger portion of the pie, simply by focusing on CX.”
The B&B Team welcomes all interested folks that desire to become innkeepers and experience what Doug and Jim have. Creating an environment of enjoyment for their guests with passion and creativity.
Thanks for Listening,
Janet Wolf