living social

Is Living Social or Groupon Confusing Your Performance Indicators?

Countless inns are participating in the Living Social and Groupon craze (not sure if I should use the word “fad” there, which implies a short-term shelf life) and, as seen in previous postings from Janet and me, there are a number of “rules of thumb” that can make participation worthwhile. One thing that is happening, […]

Is Living Social or Groupon Confusing Your Performance Indicators? Read More »

Living Social Tips from Innkeepers

Attention shoppers…group buying marketing companies have hit the air waves. In radio days the airwaves were the frequency that transmitted the signals that carried information to the world. We all know what claims the airwaves today, social media.  And the latest addition to the social media tool box is… If you haven’t heard, Living Social

Living Social Tips from Innkeepers Read More »

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